0 Introduction: the Drug-Land Before Time

“About the only thing we can imagine is catastrophe.” – David Graeber

Our show is about imagining the future, imagining what could be possible in other drug worlds. While we cannot know what the future holds, imagining it is the first step to bringing it into being. Before we begin to imagine with others, we do a pre-launch flight check to talk a bit about who we (Alex Betsos & Claire Zagorski) are, why we’re making this podcast, and what we expect the podcast’s future will hold. We geek out a bit, and talk about who we dream of exploring the future with.

Help us imagine better drug futures by having a conversation with a friend, sharing the podcast or supporting us at patreon.com/DrugFuturisms

The Trip Project and Dancesafe are festival and nightlife harm reduction organization
More info on Trip Project: http://tripproject.ca/about-us/

We talk about drug checking in this episode, to learn more about drug checking check out the Drug Policy Alliance’s explainer: https://drugpolicy.org/issues/drug-checking

About Drug Futurisms

We live under prohibition, and many of us live under some form of government created overdose crisis. Proponents for prohibition argue that changing our punitive drug laws would only exacerbate the harms of drugs. Activists and harm reductionists spend so much time fighting this logic that they rarely have a chance to imagine how things could be. What could the future hold, how could we make ourselves and our loved ones safer? If drugs were regulated differently what sorts of community and harm reduction practices could exist?

We do not know what the future could hold. But we can begin to imagine it together.

Drug Futurisms is a podcast co-hosted by Claire Zagorski and Alex Betsos. We come from different worlds, Claire from chemistry and pharmacy, Alex from sociology and anthropology. But we share a common goal. Imagining that another drug world is possible.

We interview people who use drugs, drug researchers and activists to ask them the question they rarely get to answer: What could the future hold?